Jupiter Invites Black Hole Bites ~ 20 Nov 2018

Two posts ago I mentioned that Jupiter in Sagittarius, at several times will engage clusters of black holes. This is one of those times. Not only is it one of those times, if one applies the Jupiter principle of grabbing galactic goodies while the getting is good (like with my holiday sale) hugely progressive insights can be gleaned, solid plans can be made, turning into advancements more enduring and formidable than ever before. In such times, a tuned-in soul advances faster and farther than once assumed to be possible.

Starting now and ranging for the next two the three weeks, Jupiter transits a series of black holes that provide heaps of mental information to anyone pausing to have a look. It is somewhat inconvenient that holiday sales loom on the next horizon and festivities and frivolity intend to move into full swing and occupy collective focus.

These black holes have names that are an intricate combination of numbers and letter that typically render some astrophysical notation. From an astrological point of view there are several singular elements toward which we can tune our receptors, bearing in mind that the black holes have no intention of being usurped by festivity or derailed by distraction.

During the next two to three weeks at some point, the exact moment depending upon your personal chart’s wiring with the pattern, expect a surge of mental activity. It comes on like a caffeine buzz and may be accompanied by swirling sensations. It will like last ten to eleven days cycling around about a series of roughly three day surges. During this wave exposure to all sorts of galactic energy occurs, most specifically, x-rays.

Medically, x-rays serve to reveal the inner conditions in a body - an incisive, real look at invisible realities. Metaphorically, galactic x-rays reveal structures and internal workings not always evident. When realized as a bare bone structure, these realities can be built upon in the effort of manifesting the greatest of dreams.

One of my favorite axioms: Structure is the backbone of creativity. No doubt Saturn sanctions the realization of structural imprinting and eagerly supports the development of ideas that build upon those primal foundations.

Specific to the black holes in play is an x-ray burst of 283 seconds in duration. It is as if to receive full exposure to a concept dedicated attention and unswerving concentration must prevail for four minutes and forty-three seconds. In today’s technology, that’s probably the time needed to do forty social media posts that render maybe a fraction of a second of exposure before the post drops off the screen.

However, this pulse addresses what is required to recognize, initially process and to cultivate an idea into further refinement. When a new idea blips your brain, write it down. Physically write it down with a pencil or pen on paper. Then for the next nearly five minutes remain mentally devoted to that singular concept. Stay on it until all mental input is exhausted or for 283 seconds, whichever is longer.

Immediately take any additional ideas spawned in that process and write them down on their own sheet of paper and repeat the process until completed and all thoughts received are satisfied.

Applying this approach ensures that nothing is lost. All ideas can be fully grasped and given such cultivation, can be further developed later. These intervals are specific, time-sensitive open windows of consciousness download. Assume, for instance, that your next update to your favorite app is available for download ONLY during this interval of time. Likely you’d be on it lickety split.

Should you be in a situation in which physically writing down the ideas is not possible, use the technology at hand to voice records your stream of consciousness to extract these x-ray inspired insights in spoken stream of consciousness and full detail.

Some of these ideas may take up to three years to cultivate fully and flesh out all the details into the most comprehensive plan possible. No matter. When the ideas appear, deal with them. The truth is, these cosmic bursts are collective. Someone is going to do the downloading. Those downloading and cultivating ideas sooner likely get to be the ones to claim the intellectual property. Jupiter sanctions such claims and favors those who are first and more thought out. Half-baked or poorly documented concepts do not win his favor. Remember, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn. Structure is the backbone of creativity; consciousness is for the long haul.

Indeed, it’s a fertile few weeks ahead. For those celebrating Thanksgiving, be thankful in advance of the insights to come your way. For those in other lands, perhaps consider the ideas to be acquired as cosmic gifts headed your way just in time for whatever way you celebrate year-end holiday festivities.

When you feel the hum of incoming vibrations, tune in as much as you can, and whenever you can. Savory black hole bites are there for the sampling!

More to come.